EE 201: الات كهربية وتحكم، 0(0،0،0)
EEM 200: الموجات الكهرومغناطيسية، 2(0،1،2)
* EET 111: مجالات الكهرومغناطيسية (1)، 3(0،2،2)
* EET 112: مجالات كهرومغناطيسية (2)، 3(0،2،2)
* EEL 212: معمل الكترونيات متقدمة، 1(3،0،0)
Dynamic Performance Evaluation of a Brushless AC Motor Drive Using Different Sensorless Schemes
Effective energy management strategy with a novel design of fuzzy logic and JAYA-based controllers in isolated DC/ AC microgrids: A comparative analysis
Parameter estimation of PEMFC model based on Harris Hawks’ optimization and atom search optimization algorithms
Performance Enhancement of an Islanded Microgrid with the Support of Electrical Vehicle and STATCOM Systems